Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Burgh

Today I explored the city of Edinburgh. "Burgh" simply means town. This is appropriate enough as the city of Edinburgh (at least where all the major attractions are) is approximately only about a square mile. Thus, it was a big walking day.

St. Giles Cathedral is in the heart of the city in the middle of what they call the Royal Mile. It's a stretch of road with Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace on either end.

Though smaller than other churches I've visited while in the UK, this was one of the more beautiful.

Next stop was Edinburgh Castle which is situated on the top of a cliff in the middle of the city.

This castle is more of a compound. It contains many buildings that each served its own purpose. Being on top of the cliff, it had a good position for defense. Lots of cannons!

At the bottom of the Royal Mile lies Holyrood Palace, where the Queen stays when in Scotland. Also, back in the day, Mary Queen of Scots lived here (before Elizabeth 1 threw her in jail!)

I couldn't take pictures inside, so I'll just have to leave you a general front shot. One of the best things about the palace is that it was next to the ruins of an old Abbey.

All in all, Edinburgh was great, but I am exhausted. Later this week I'll be venturing off to Lyme and other assorted areas. I'll just leave you with a shot from the Palace gardens. Cheers!


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